About Slate

The Slate Architecture & Construction team

The Slate Story

Slate is a result of the creative merger of two distinct firms. A partnership formed due to a deep, mutual understanding of the potential synergy that could be created by the alignment and collaboration of two primary disciplines - architecture and construction.

Before the conception of what we now represent, Dan Prestidge had been running BuildtechNZ, a primarily residential focused construction provider for over 25 years and had experienced successful growth and movement into the high-calibre residential and light commercial construction space. At the same time, Nick Harrison was running the boutique, architectural design studio Fortyone Architecture, delivering stunning, residential designs across the central north-island.

Eventually the paths of Fortyone and BuildtechNZ crossed, and the two companies collaborated on a number of bespoke residential projects, each time getting closer and gaining in mutual appreciation as they began to engineer value and create truly special spaces together.

The partnership was inevitable. Both company directors realised that a complete merge could create a single entity capable of breaking traditional norms, drive unprecedented value and deliver truly seamless, creative yet pragmatic and whole projects across the central north. Thus Slate was born!